Sunday 27 November 2016


so here we have it:
the whole reptilian thing is a psyops - they don't exist on this planet.. what you see are holographic projections to mask the faces of those controllers utilising you.
Does it not occur to anyone that when they hear these supposed reptilians speaking English that it might just be because they are English...
even as a 7 year old child when I was threatened by 'them' it was clear to me that it was a mask, a la Venetian ball...

go figure..

Monday 24 October 2016

so the black & white & red all over, Russians were snooping around towards the end of June
and now I see that they are here albeit in a small capacity at present...
something to add?

Friday 21 October 2016

rumour has it there was a Russian hand involved...
a large purchase and a taxi ride in Moscow..
anything else to add?

Thursday 20 October 2016

king Arthur finds out that Guinevere has been unfaithful with Lancelot and then attempts to have her burnt at the stake

well that does figure, although Guinevere she certainly was not, Morgana more like...
burnt at the stake, well those who warned him were burnt publically in the end..
even if evidence has been scrubbed

Saturday 15 October 2016

questions 67 & 68

You are asking the wrong questions...
the event spoke for itself, he was the messenger that he always proclaimed, just not in the way that he could have imagined.
It was not what he knew, but who he knew and why...
a good chess player but the board was rigged from before the start, he did accomplish much but the sword of Damocles always swung over him.
The naming of things had already been done and was certainly not motive enough, people have been brought down for far less.
Certain alliances were not tolerated and the proverbial wedge was driven hard by the unseen through the seen... all is always not how it seems...

Thursday 13 October 2016

seemingly random phase found displayed on phone

"what to eat when it turns up because you know"

why would I search for a phrase like that in google?

77 Ways You Should Know That You Are Way Too Stoned - Hail Mary

21 things you only know if you're bipolar

Five signs that it's time to WALK AWAY

Monday 3 October 2016

all in a name

Christo...Christ-O... Christ-Omega... destruction programming when memory bleed-through could occur

Thursday 29 September 2016

Hiding in Plain Sight

Who does this remind you of?

 the Vengeful Djinn...

all hail...

Grand Hailing Sign of Distress

Cat got your tongue?

BJ King....

A-OKAY here

Having too much of a good time

Deal Done 28.09.16

I recall the Deal went down last night, I remember the sandy/grey haired Dealer who reminds me of S.D...
documents were exchanged..
anything else enlightening you would like to share?
& yes It was on Her Majesty's Service as you so kindly reminded me this morning...