Monday 9 January 2017

william (bill) cooper

William Cooper has recently come to my attention.

After part reading a transcript of William Cooper's Mystery Babylon Series (broadcast on Coast to Coast AM), I decided to double check the source(s) of Cooper's work.

Turns out the majority of the transcript is lifted pretty much verbatim from a book called
'A History of Secret Societies' by Arkon Daraul (which is the pen name of Idries Shah.. also note the Arkon/Archon theme again..)
Having got a copy of 'A History..' in pdf I scanned through to check for any references to older literature.. there are none - not a single footnote, reference number.. nothing.. just reams of text based on heresay and supposition.

Thus I am saddened to have to call BULLSHIT to the whole lot...

If you want a far superior read on the Knights Templar and that whole period of history I suggest you get a copy of 'The History of the Knights Templars' by Charles G. Addison, Esq. Inner Temple 1842

Monday 2 January 2017

this shit stinks...

see the above link
Are they serious?! the whole thing is fucking laughable...