Saturday 14 September 2019

Tuesday 13 August 2019

The seals are breaking

So the gates of the lower doors have opened, the darkness is creeping across this plane. What does it take to rally the club of M? Who of us will head the call.. We need you now more than ever. All sides are being played against the middle. You know the drill, be like water, flow through the middle... This is the clarion call

.. Black rabbit 🐰.. Remember... We will need you

Thursday 11 July 2019


CJH claiming she knows magic and has studied John Dee..
claims she is very close to Yahweh
*yawn*... sounds fishy and deluded with ego explosion

what say you eye in the sky? are we on the right track?

FSB.. anything to add to the mix? I know Moscow centre has been active recently
tracking perhaps?

the bloodlines have been activated for quite sometime

Friday 28 June 2019

We are prepared...

We are prepared to defend the temple and the richs within. The poor knights of the temple seek to defend with all our honour. Be prepared...