Tuesday, 25 August 2020

Dream a little dream....


“Things need not have happened to be true. Tales and dreams are the shadow-truths that will endure when mere facts are dust and ashes, and forgot.” 

Tuesday, 16 June 2020


sooo Tim Rifat... Eye in the Sky SiS really?
psi lord indeed... sigh lordy what is going on
I am sure Black Rabbit would dig into that one..!

Wednesday, 10 June 2020

Mr Six says....

Mr Six says... that this dice has come up trumps
the current chaos out of the consensus order is evident all around..
the toppling of the two Pillars in 9/11.. the breaking open of the doors of perception have allowed the full manifestation of the Archons of the Outer Church
the collapsing of Malkuth into the plane of Yesod.. the 32nd path - the path of the Universe and completion of the grand cycle
the horizontal symmetry of the Qabbalistic Tree of Life is coming into play

the power of the close Lunar and Solar Eclipse create the perfect counterbalance portals to mix everything up.

The question remains, can this Hanged Man come into enlightenment fast enough to cast the sigils and manifest a new reality? the left eye is already blinded and the wisdom of the World accepted

Saturday, 29 February 2020

The Book of the Gates

The Book of the Gates

Thru the 7 Gates Ra does travel in a barque. flanked at the fore by Sia (God of Perception) and aft by Heka (God of Magic) holding the Staff of the Serpent Mehen which protects Ra on his journey

& so it beings again.. at the turning of the age of Apophis against Ma'at, I must embark on the sacred journey as the Hierophant of ages old has been cast through me as I weave the Creation
the 3 sisters of Fate guide me - the Gate of the East embodies the Fate Giver (Clotho)
the Inner Temple embodies the Fate Holder (Lachesis)
the Blood Ancestors are the Fate Taker (Atropos)
the Temple of the Ancestors is filled with the Ghosts of old who through the Utterer of the Divine call to me.
My home will be filled with the Light Bearer, forging a new path forward with the divine assistance of the Hidden Knowledge and as the Hierophant I will bridge the Abyss as my foundation

Friday, 28 February 2020

Grand awakening

The hierophant has awakened, the scales have been balanced. The 3 sisters of fate have spoken and the Utterer whispers of the Divine...

Tuesday, 11 February 2020

chaotic awakening

it is always like this.. the itch, the niggle at the back of the mind, the watching and waiting... or is that the waiting watchers?
the chaos flows, order or discord.. your move Red Queen...