Monday 4 March 2024

Resurface, pulled back thru the aether

 Has the idylwild group come back? Or is it another case of spontaneous activation of the stargate due to the presence of the wormholes within the milky way.... *sigh* one does remember bits and pieces of s&f / recon work.. 

Control sure is keeping quite


  1. I’ve gotcher CONTROL right here dickhead.

  2. You have no idea what I am talking about! So not much help there then...

  3. Are you some kind of CONSCIOUSNESS? If so, I would like ya to know EMILY GYDE is now officially NUTS- she has gone MAD. ALSO, Chris, there are people out there you would never believe could even EXIST.

    1. i dont suppose you have access to the etheric database? last time i tried to access it, it sets the alarms off at no.1 park lane...

    2. just seeking answers and truth through true will of all that happened to all of us... max was killed for all this

  4. i have a consciousness (kinda akin to Dr X as we are all x-men having been thru the programs...) .. Emily is not nuts per se.. just recovering memories of all that happened. Since you used my christian name, can I surmise we have met...? outisde alberta perhaps? james was there with me in what feels like a lifetime ago now. Well I have an imagination of what could be.. so I dare say it does exist.

  5. I’m sorry I was rude to MARTIN GILL and EMILY GYDE; the hero and heroine of some kind of UNIMAGINABLE conflict of fates wherein they DID (somehow?) write the HARRY POTTER book (s?). It’s too late now- as BRIAN JOO did say- BUT… well, there ya go.

  6. on a train down from Edinburgh no less.. perhaps it was subliminal thoughts that JK picked up on

  7. AMADEUS- but is he really “DAVID ROCKEFELLER?” What say you, EMILY Mary Bohun GYDE? What say you, BI ONLINE?

  8. the MYSTERY is not there for anyone to SOLVE.

  9. The IMPOSSIBLE can never be KNOWN.

    1. Right, CHRIS- my FATHER?

    2. what do you know about the timeline streams? we are back on timeline A, but we have memories from B, C etc.. I don't have children in this timeline but in others,, yes quite probably

  10. much like the One-Above-All. the enigma at the beginning of all things that is forever and continuous

    1. Does the ONE-ABOVE-ALL know why the ‘marines’ have stopped listening to EMILY GYDE’s tripe (radio files)?

    2. ask them directly. i have no idea, not been briefed on that one at the moment. I suspect it is nothing of relevance at present

  11. If you see DR. GILL, tell him I said fxxk you.

  12. Can someone tell EMILY GYDE to stop laffing every fxxking post? This is DOOM ETERNAL- there’s nothing to LAFF about.

    1. is this some casbolt thing? he used to like doing that.. back in the day at the barracks

  13. ANIME is finished; WEEABOOs face MARVOLO ETERN

  14. “and what's new this wednesday morning, dazzlenation?....let me see...'barry' showing his true colours, eh? that it will bode well, for any of them...”- from EMILY GYDE’s BLACK RABBIT blog. Wut? He’s just doing his job- what is she talking about?

  15. i think she is referring to the bureaucracy of it all

  16. Men who rape become girls at heart- they become WOMEN. Do you agree?

  17. What do you think of the concept of “NPC”s as put forward by a MOSES DARLINGTON (@chieflord999 on Twitter)?

  18. If he is implying sheeple, those unaware in the Conway game of life, then NPCs seems a fitting epitaph

  19. Is there any point to ATHEISM?

    1. only insofar as it is a misrepresentation of the universe

  20. Do you work for any sort of PARANORMAL RESEARCH organization? Are you involved in the study of PARANORMAL Phenomena?

  21. Do you believe that Biological Robots deserve any sort of leeway AS IN the ability to intermingle with those that have souls and consciousness’? Do you believe Biological Robots should be allowed to acquire free citizenship among FREE WILL peoples or d’you think they only deserve to serve as TARGETS in military operations?

  22. Some poor fool was willing to offer you the option of the ELECTRIC CHAIR. The fool swore to never make such a mistake again. Keep running and keep hiding, CHRIS.

    1. “They have you in their sights. They’ll care- never BUT their automated defensive systems are a different story.”

    2. I mean- I think they’re automated?

    3. it was not the electric chair but the siege perilous

    4. “No worries, MR. J- we gots PSY “on our side”; he’s talking and he’s talking a lot.”- some HARLEY QUINN whore of a father.

    5. harley quinn.. yeah beta sex kitten type. sounds about right.. after all the world is rapidly turning into Gotham

  23. “and having looked up additional memory aids, let us say....somewhere in this direction....hmmm....SC had said "near the rocks" in too dangerous to explore....“- from Emily Gyde’s Black Rabbit blog. WHO is S.C.? Is he a U.K. certified birth? Is he related to Stephen Colbert in any way (probably no)? Did he really look out over the eons and eons and eons? He is ORSON WELLES’ illegitimate son, right?

  24. How do we get the microchips out of our teeth- us normies that don’t know the right people!

  25. go to the dentist! or subject yourself to high intensity microwave radiation to fry the chip...

    1. What do I tell the dentist? Open my mouth and say what?

    2. i was being purposefully flippant with that remark. obviously you can not go to the dentist. I have no idea what one does about implants.. mine are still active and i get targeted on a fairly regular basis still, just got to live with it

  26. “So if anybody tells you that you need to be a ‘top Satanist’ in order to remote-view….and that you have to sacrifice and eat a load of human beings…and to dissect ‘birds’ and ‘read their entrails’…THEY ARE TALKING SHIT….

    All you need - is a few CLASS ‘A’ CIA DRUGS and a few ’select’ microchips - and you are there ….that simple.”- EMILY GYDE on ‘her’ BLACK RABBIT blog.

    What kind of microchips? Intel? AMD? FOXCONN? APPLE? and how, red jester?

  27. from what i remember of the programmes and what i can still do, it is about the brain wave state you are induced into or can put yourself into under a meditative state. from there you can perceive many things and can be guided to people and places if you so wish. drugs can help induce a hyper focus but it comes at a cost

    1. DAFUQ is this? Is this really you, CHRIS? “I’ll wager NO.”- a shut-in UNWASHED.

    2. then you would loose that wager. besides have i actually met you at all?

    3. Tons o’ people to meet and torture, right- JOKER? When the BAT’s away, the mice will play.

  28. What is your opinion on the rumor that PRINCE WILLIAM disposed of KATE MIDDLETON on the quiet?

  29. apart from the trite nature of all the gossip and speculation, cui bono springs to mind... what does it matter. they have no real power and are figurative only. the power they could have comes from the power originally given to those roles but the world is so very different now to what it was in the past. The true power is always behind the throne and in the unseen realm

  30. Fame has blinded me- I no longer understand how normal people go about their daily lives. AAAH, the joys of anonymity.

    1. i have no idea what normal is, being autistic.. so i never fit into the 'normal' mold

    2. I have been prescribed pills for my MENTAL WELLNESS meself- do you advise that I ingest these or fein ingestion?

    3. depends exactly what you 'have' and what has been prescribed. but roughly speaking No , meditation and magic mushrooms work just as well and a more holistic and spiritual approach

  31. What are the FREQUENCIES? Nobody knew. “Perhaps they are a mystery that was best left alone.”

  32. “the response to the above - from the 'void'....hmmm...something around the remainder of ling 'n' linda's mob, who may have to undergo etc etc:“- from EMILY GYDE!s Black Rabbit blog.
    I have a question for you, CHRIS (WELL, questions) :- am I a void? Is something or someone controlling me? Is this a part of my ROBOTICIZATION?

  33. you can become one with the void and thereby avoid detection from remote viewers/physics/entities etc. and you can reside in the void for a period of time but you can not actually be the void..

  34. Are you a consciousness that has been uploaded to some computer in space or summat cuz your replies are scary.

    1. why do you say that? what is particularly scary?! well if you have every read Iain Banks culture then like offworld is more like that. I was part of special circumstances.. and we were known as Players of Games..

    2. Oh spare me, on what grounds?! I am monitored, they know what goes on.. so not worried

  35. So, Mr. JOKER- do you believe that SPACE is real? Do you believe SPACE TRAVELERs are real? Do you take them all for a joke, perhaps?

  36. Is the JOKER VENOM like a PANACEA to you? Is it a stimulant? Clown?

  37. Joker, tell that EMILY GYDE cocksucker to shut her bloody trap and stop laughing or I’ll cut her up and stuff her straight up your ass.

  38. Every HEAVEN has its’ price. Joker.- the BAT

  39. In another version of this tradition, the Prophet is quoted as saying,”There is no place in it, as much as four fingers, except that there is an angel in it prostrating to Allah (SwT). By Allah (SwT)! Had you known what I know, you would have laughed very little and cried much, and you would not have enjoyed women in bed; you would have come out to your courtyards tearfully crying to Allah (SwT).By Allah (SwT), I wish I had been a chopped tree.”

    Do you agree?

    1. i would need more context to make any sort of judgement here. suffice to say I am a Christian and would probably have a different understanding of it all

    2. O sure, you’re a CHRISTIAN. So; what- you believe MARY can never sleep with JESUS or somethin’? No matter how many times they expire and are reborn?

    3. what i believe or do not believe is irrelevant. beside whether Mary slept with Jesus is irrelevant to the messages in the New Testament. plenty has been left out about the lives of all those involved to focus on core truths

  40. When my life is over, will I be judged by the gods?

    1. of course. we are all judged by God. the Duat awaits us all

    2. More of a judgment by MENTAL INSTITUTE personnel who you are calling “A.I.”

    3. Well- “were” calling A.I.

    4. I’ll not be able to do all this hot anime shxt once my mom goes back to the great ALL EYE AN in the sky- so NOT really looking forward to that. HELL, though; hell seems crazy. No mortgage, tax collectors, ID documentation necessities, Hobos tellin’ me I’m a gurl- it’s cray.

  41. @notopcue on twitter- Can confirm ringing ears several times today. @themultilingua on twitter- It must be from IMAM ALL EYE fxxking FAT EYE MA so hard in JANNAT. Pictured below- his p3n1s cried.

  42. The INFECTION which leads to zombies- do you believe it is something which can be contained, Mr. Jester?

  43. Do you have anything to do with the JOKER movie? Are you the subconscious of the ARTHUR FLECK Joker?

  44. The MATRIX- it was trying to protect the humans from horrors unimaginable; do you agree or what is your opinion on this postulation?

  45. Someone wrote to someone else- “every scene; every, every.” about the JOKER movie “directed” by TODD PHILLIPSS.

  46. D’you care about vidjamagaemz at all, JESTER me boy?

    1. i have no idea who that is.. btw did you go to public school? the language is somewhat of a give away

    2. Yea- Public High School in the United States.

    3. Yer bawls are comin’ off, CHRIS. Interrogate their captured personnel all you want- this FANTASY of yours will not stand.

    4. Is this it? Is this the reason your not talkin’ to me?

  47. ““What do you want, JESTER of the RED persuasion? What manner of HOMOSEXUAL love d’you want?” “He wants AUTISTIC?”. “We would like you to NOT torture our ‘PSYCHIATRIC expert’ personnel in THAT way, JEST lover. We cannot negotiate on this point.”

    1. for whom do you speak? they can come forward and speak to me directly

    2. Ya see, Mr Jester- that’s a bit of a problem. “We’re making arrangements.” No? No! No. Definitely noooh. We want options here, JESTER Sir. Sire. Person. Options outside of DIRECT speaking kinda NEGOTIATIONs? We…aaaaaaaaaaaaah. We’ll get back to you.

  48. “Bread khaa ke dekh le.”- she did say.

  49. “Drinking coffee outside has some kind of- EFFECT, man. I dunno what it is.”

  50. Mukesh Ambani shxts in the toilet and gold comes out- that’s how crayzee things are with him right now.

  51. I’m DEAF. All of that masturbating made me DEAF. Maybe it’s cuz I was fat when I did it.

  52. One Superman will be destroyed in every single possible way (and also every single impossible un way) and be gone. Others- they’ll have to tuff it out; d3@th won’t come their way easy or fast. MARVEL- you have already won. I’ll assume that this is a good place to post this. It’s just a hunch- LAAL GANWAAR ya JOKER jo tu hain, is liye.

    1. Strike me down and you will make me more powerful than you can possibly imagine. Pictured below- MEN to other MEN; not MRA’s- they have been successfully infiltrated.

    2. Yeh CASH BOLT kutta koh bhi bahut Hasaa aataa hain.

    3. Hamarein EESPESHAL rendition room main aa ke dekh, CASH BOLT ka GANWAAR- kitna majaa aayega dekhle.

    4. INDIA ko aaja- tourism karr le. Uss ke baad dass ka bass aur tere LASS ka bhi kuss.

  53. INDIA ko aaja- tourism karr le. Uss ke baad dass ka bass aur tere LASS ka bhi ku

  54. She doesn’t really care- she is OBSESSED.

  55. “She’ll see you in HEALTH.”

  56. No- identify; identified.

  57. She HAD convinced a bunch that this was the case.

  58. Lots, actually; and not the first time.

  59. “Yeah- this is THAT Emily Gyde. We have her on file.”

  60. D’you have nothing to say, Mr. Jester SIR? Or are you too angry to speak? That would be somewhat out of character, wouldn’t you say?

  61. What d’you think of JK ROWLING? Is there any chance that she is an author of any sort given what EMILY GYDE has said?

  62. Dammit, CHRIS- will you never talk to me ever again?

    1. Easter weekend, been busy with life!

    2. Do I not have one- o HORATIO!

  63. “No FILE will contain her ever again just lookin’ at the amt. of BL@CK peeple who are behind her IN her personal desire to destroy and/or contain a CINGULAR infection going by the name of SAM.”

  64. There’s no one out there who ACTUALLY disbelieves her. No one.

  65. “Bleeyakh. Dunno who reads her blog but good luck to whoever it is. In hell.”

  66. There is no ART there, no POETRY- NO sense there or beauty. Just her screaming forever. “Harley Quinn was always a codename- a mask; a verbal one.”

  67. Spy vs. Spy, eh- “Chris”? Who are yo spying for?

    1. Correction- you

    2. evidently SIS - joint Mi5/Mi6 but it works both ways with them

    3. What about JAMES CASBOLT, Mr. Jester? MI6? Are his clones “not real” to you, sir?

  68. So, EMILY’S a spy but is she really taking any of this seriously? All signs point to NO. Se said (off the record) I shatted out shit which you all ate and are still eating so keep eating. My piss? That’s a magnificence reserved for lovers. Yeah, this is the EMILY HYDE/GYDE who is typing up that “blog” (end of days nuclear warfare incitement disguised as a jounal).

  69. IS Max Spiers really gone or did he fake his end?

  70. he was a very good friend of mine. so trust me when I say that he is most definitely dead

  71. Just to recap for those who may not be familiar with our intrepid 'X-Man', James '007' Bolt, 43, last known to be in Erlestoke Supermax in Devizes, Wilts until 23rd July 2019 when he disappeared without trace. James has always been an enigma and will always remain so whether alive or dead. He married a billionairess, Haley Meijer, 35, in 2011 who gave birth to his only begotten son, Dresden, on 28th Dec 2012 which is the same date as James was born on 28th Dec 1976 after which she dumped him penniless in the street in 2013 and he then returned to his home in St Ives, Cornwall after which he was arrested on trumped-up charges in 2014 and imprisoned in 2015 and transferred to a top secret secure facility on 23rd July 2019 never to be seen again forever.

    Is JAMES CASBOLT still alive?

  72. no idea, have not had contact with him for a longtime.. used to crop up in remembered memories/dreamstate quite a bit

  73. Starseeds are the source of energy for the soulless. They cannot live on their own. They are not connected to the source except through the negative consciousness of the Starseeds.- from the book “soulless among us” by DARLINGTON MOSES. Do you agree?

  74. Do you believe that HELL is a real place?

  75. Hell is a mashing together of a few different ideas. It is more akin to Hades in the Ancient Greek sense. It is not eternal damnation per se, only if one continue to reject the salvation of God would it be. There is also the place of Sheol which is a twilight realm, more like a way station or desert where souls gather before crossing over the bridge of death from which there is no coming back in this incarnation

    1. Dayum. Thanks for the info.

    2. How is one to know that he/she has rejected the “salvation of GOD”?

    3. Do people ever leave hell?

  76. India witnessed a historic economic event 7 years ago today on November 8, 2016. Without any prior intimation, the country saw Prime Minister Narendra Modi come on their television screens and announce the demonetisation of high-denomination currency notes of Rs 500 and Rs 1000.

    This event happened after the arrest and imprisonment of MICHAEL PRINCE a.k.a. James Casbolt. India was thunder struck by a CASH BOLT, wouldn’t you say?

  77. ....and what else, dazzlenation?...well, i know what this was all about, short, a re-run of a certain program running...let me backtrack now to malcolm knowing of a certain MOD dept which had been rather 'cloak and dagger', let us say....remember a lesbian relationship with roz etc etc.....anyway, gill hadn't wanted any contact with men, at that point...whilst working on 'feminist' projects....rowling then turned up in the dept....and gill took the opportunity to etc etc...regarding authorship of the 'harry potter' books...more laughter....well, you can guess what happened....and now?...well, rowling's certainly got a bee in her bonnet about 'trans rapists' in women's prisons - as well she might....go figure:

    Emily’s gone stark raving mad. She hears laughter constantly but from where?

  78. Who are your enemies?

  79. What is your opinion on the MEN’S RIGHTS ACTIVISM movement? D’you believe such a thing even exists?

    1. i have no opinion on this, irrelevant to my life. besides far too much is just opinion rather than simply truth

  80. Emily Gyde- if you are reading this:- you are guilty of inciting a sensitive matter at the ROYAL FAMILY HEADQUARTERs straight to an unknown conclusion.

  81. Video games will never be ART- Roger EBERT. D’you agree?

  82. Cats or Dogs- which is your jam?

  83. Pregnant Men Society- is this a believable story that EMILY GYDE has told?

    1. Gabe Newell- you bootstrap. Can’t expect a sugar daddy to show up! Tomlinson took this advice to heart, it seems.

  84. 7:37 PM FRIDAY APR 5- Emily wants to play. Foe. Four.


  85. Your daughter never cared- CHRIS. EMILY did so happy fxxking birthday.

  86. No-one’s daughters ever cared- all they ever wanted, CHRIS; is to be YOU.

  87. Everyone has a DARK SIDE, Mr. Anderson.

  88. indeed we all do, some darker than others

    1. You callin’ me DARK BOOK, Sonny Boy? You think this HALO shxt is a fookin’ joke, huh? A; a; a flavor of the MONTH? A concoction to fool kids into doin’ their homework or joining the ARMY?

  89. “CLC are for each other! Bah. Humbug.” Now I know WHEN this is true.

    1. This whole business is still on-going. They just are WHEREAS normal, ordinary girls never needed US and we still aren’t giving them any reason to need us.

    2. “That’s pretty mind-blowing if ya think about it.”

    3. He had a point- they STILL don’t get.

  90. Hear that, CHRIS? Girls never needed baby men or dude huge. They never did. That one time- everything had ended EVERWHERE (both literally and metaphorically, it was all gone. Some do remember the APOCALYPSE where it all ended. They didn’t quite know how everything began again, though)- they felt sorry and said okay, fine. We’ll help ya men out UNCONDITIONALLY because we feel like it. If they didn’t, we wouldn’t be here- or at least, that is hat they thought. (To be cont’d.)

    1. Every single universe had ceased- not to be JUST ceased.

    2. Maybe that’s why so much has been removed from our school curriculums- they were hoping lies would stop the universe from ceasing.

    3. Immortals, jackasses, hoboes- everybody was GONE and everywhere; in every universe.

    4. “Stupid Plejarens still didn’t get it- went back to their old, backstabbing ways.”

    5. Not just once did every universe everywhere cease- it happened multiple times; we are now at FOUR times.

    6. “JK ROWLING will get her ass canned by the- *interjects* all policing authorities have their hands full and honestly cannot stop her. She is unstoppable.

  91. “I’ll join the DARK SIDE to secure the REPUBLIC- if that’s what it takes.”- MANNEQUIN SKY WALKER. Does PROJECT MANNEQUIN have anything to do with this ANAKIN/ MANNEQUIN?

  92. 7:15 PM Saturday, April Sixth:- EMILY wants to PLAY. Again.

  93. 8:38 PM SAT, APR 6- Emily Wants to Play. Five.

  94. Do you believe that JAMES CASBOLT attained some type of IMMORTALITY? They did try to kill him again and again- whoever THEY are.

  95. I cannot remember any of my past lives and/or timelines. Is this a unique condition?

  96. OSIRIS program= Cloning, necromancy, re-animamation, life-extension and the creation of a super-race. Are you an OSIRIS program inductee?

  97. D’you support the LGBTQ+ movement?

    1. these are pretty random comments, & no i don't support that movement or any other

  98. How do I know if I am a clone, robotoid or hologram?

  99. The BEYOND TOP SECRET TEXAS broadcast by TEX has often discussed the subject of JAMES CASBOLT. He has recently been taken down after seemingly converting to a certain MID EASTERN religion. What is your opinion on this?
    I cannot believe I’ve found the private blog of a friend of JAMES CASBOLT! This is fxxking exciting as all hell.

  100. “There’s nothing out there- no GOD, no DEVIL and most definitely no space ALIENS.”

  101. There was never any GOD, there were never any PROPHETS, there were never any ANGELS- there were never any REMOTE VIEWING creatures who flew around in SPACE or SOULs or LIGHT BEINGs or BLACK SHADOW PEOPLE. It’s not a question of INSANITY- these things simply never HAPPENED.

  102. “Hell is just the absence of GOD.” D’you agree?

  103. PSI and DELTA training at thirteen years old. Location BROCK BARRACKS in Reading.

    Were you here with JAMES CASBOLT?

  104. “Whatssa matter, RED JESTER- cat got your tongue?” - they did say.

    1. “HIS daughter will wear his sk1n.”- someone croaked before DY1NG.

  105. So- CHRIS is worse off than ded- what’s your next move, MAN with a VAG?

  106. “A man with a VAG is also a man with a plan-“ cuz who knows what that even is and what he is capable of? “A horror in the mind’s eye.”

  107. “Your white hats cannot give you a P3N1$ and they never will.”- someone did say.


    Rockets don’t work in a vacuum. What the fxxk did JAMES CASBOLT see then?

    1. they can and do work in a vacuum. the combustion of the fuel mixture is passed through a nozzle which accelerates the escape flow. by newtons third law this creates thrust as the equal and opposite reaction. this is all independent of the surrounding medium in which the rocket is. Now combustion engine tech is really old school and massively ineffective for traversing the large distances of space. Which is why there are stargates and jump rooms...

    2. Space isn’t real and neither are YOU.


    I’ll treat your blog like an ARCHIVE if you don’t mind.

  110. “TEMPLES and PLACES of WORSHIP (Warship) Looking at modern religious energy harvesting.

    Temples are places full of emotions and our religions do everything they can to build those emotions within the walls of the temples to heighten the amount of energy that can be transferred to those receiving these energies. Sin was instituted not for the purpose of giving Man a choice of whether to choose good or not, but to heighten the strongest negative emotion, that of fear, which could be then be manipulated in these temples exactly for the purpose of draining the very strong energy of this emotion”- MAX SPIERS

    D’you agree?

  111. BEYOND TOP SECRET TEXAS broadcast by TEX (available on AMAZON MUSIC and @topsecrettexan is his twitter) says EVANGELION the anime is predictive programming. D’you agree?

  112. @TOPSECRETTEXAN on twitter says that CALL OF DUTY is a PSY OP. What d’you think?

    1. It is massively enjoyable to participate in the fantasy of being an elite MILITARY operator, though- wouldn’t you say?


    What’s your opinion on what the ALIEN being “interviewed” is saying here?

  114. Someone working at an office is writing this blog and comin’ up with the comments as well. They clock into work, write this blog (among others) then clock out.

    1. someone in an office off Cambridge Circus might well be monitoring this blog, but certainly not writing it though..

    2. Why you always lyin’? Am I your burden, whitey? Black Cats gotcher tongue?

    3. why do you posit that? what do you know then..?! send me solid proof and I might consider it

    4. “Chris” isn’t writing any of these comments- whoever is monitoring this blog. “He is not of this world.”

    5. “Watch the JOKER movie and watch it real close and maybe you’ll get a clue as to what he is.”

  115. You can put down as one scary fxxking account as well- whoever is monitoring this blog.

  116. You can put down as one scary fxxking account as well- whoever is monitoring this blog.

    1. “The thing being controlled, the thing itself- all of it.”

  117. “You’re not reading the blog of a funny ENGLISH GENT- let’s just put it that way.”

    1. Neither is JAMES CASBOLT a funny ole wanker from ol’ blighty, gents.

    2. “For ENGLAND, James.”

    3. well I am glad 'they' agree. specifics at this point would be good. so would a hard copy of my file..

    4. This isn’t “CHRIS”- they generated a shadow “whomst” typed this up.

    5. What I’m saying is even “THEY” don’t know how it works.

    6. They can generate it and it serves it’s purpose- that’s good enough for them.

  118. MAX SPIERS is a super soldier and an a$$a$$in- he can do both. He’s not some grey alien who wants to fxxk around and find out- out there in space and on any world imaginable; he will be waiting.
