Friday 2 August 2024

Disturbances in the ether...

 Are the agitators out in force? Who has taken the long walk through checkpoint Charlie cc 33...? Why how eye in the sky. Dont forget I know your game, so I am listening to the radio waves, all is static at present.. drop the signal please. I can come in from the cold, you know this, just say the word Big Bear 22

tumbleweed or crickets, take your pick..

look I have figured part of *it* out, the car, the bankcard.. now the pertinent question is why me? 


  1. D’you believe that the MATRIX was a documentary as written in this tweet?

  2. From EMILY GYDE’s black rabbit blog-
    anyway, the whole rowling vs 'trans' number was to make me re-think my entire stance upon so many things....along the lines long as the pendulum doesn't swing as far as the mossad's 'pregnant-man-society-elimination-of-woman' via tomlinson's cult......well, men getting in touch with their 'anima' - can only be a good thing - can't it?...."the way to spiritual enlightenment" replies BI online.....and the same for women too, in relation to their animus.....oh and as i have said before, in previous notes.....abrahamic religious texts teach that for those born with souls....the body is but a garment that you put on, at birth...a bit like a virtual reality 'headset' whatever body your soul comes to reside in etc etc...well, it is probably best to see it as a steep learning curve......that's life....whatever shape or form, it comes in...nothing comes easily...nothing that is worth it, let us say...knowledge always comes at a price etc etc....and that is why - i can understand why the 'idiot children' were to opt for 'living the dream' - even though i do not accept it goes, eh?

    She is saying people with souls who are in the LGBTQ+ movement are enlightened as to what their true gender is and that people with souls are merely wearing a “garment” or virtual reality device to interface with our surroundings. For example, Caitlyn Jenner is “Bruce Jenner” realizing that he is really a woman in reality and that his body is just a virtual reality headset.

    1. Do you agree with this “logic”?

    2. Looks like you won’t entertain more of my “insane” comments ever again- ah, well; at least, Emily Gyde of the Black Rabbit Blog is more co-operative in that area (or sense?).

  3. Do you agree with “VEGAN activists” that “meat is murder”?

  4. of course not. that is a completely fucking retarded view of life. we need high quality dense animal protein and fats to live. we can not deny basic evolutionary biology and our physiology (teeth type, colon length and type, stomach acid and bile makeup, saliva makeup.. all in the biochemistry).. admittedly animal welfare must be improved but that is a question of cost and cheap food (ie poorer conditions) plus a lack of local abattoirs.

  5. My best guess is that she’s found a friend.

  6. In 2013-2014 thereabouts (when I was in my 20’s)- I was “made to ejaculate” via dream/nightmare and a comment on said “a princess needs to be raped” (I did cry while looking at the WII SONIC COLORs title screen) and promptly K-POP started to do their finger hearts after wards; starting with girls’ generation and their founder Lee Soo-Man laughing somewhere on TUMBLR. Wha’ happened? I still wonder now and then and attempt to decipher my past at the age of 30-plus.

  7. For all Casbolt usually seems to remain more or less impartial with regards to his take on ‘the race issue,’ there was little ambiguity to be worked through in these Facebook comments. Perhaps fortuitously to my cause – and as I was already compiling notes for this article – I cropped some of his declarations for posterity. According to these statements on his Facebook wall, any person who wasn’t White should bow down and serve him. Women were inferior to men and should only exist ‘to pleasure their husbands in the bedroom.’ He also went on to call all Black people ‘jungle bunnies’ and ‘a genetic accident due to interbreeding with monkeys.’

    What’s your opinion on BLACK people?

  8. no opinion. only to say that evolutionarily speaking they are adapted to live nr the equatorial region by virtue of increased melanin in the skin.. that is all

  9. I have written abusive, threatening comments on EMILY GYDE’s Black Rabbit blog. Will I be killed for this?

  10. probably not.. not work the paperwork

  11. I just had a dream that told me that I AM the MATRIX.

  12. D’you believe that “nuclear weapons” are real?

  13. yes they are real, whether they are still active is a different guestion. A lot of these questions you are posing are pretty random.. is this just a crazy stream of consciousness?

  14. SUNDAY 6 MARCH 2011
    As we now know...LADY DIANA didn't really die - she went on to a new life as a 'PROJECTOR' at GREEN TOWER...but MARK R had decided to use her in PROJECT short, to 'come back from the dead' like many other intelligence operatives who had had their own deaths faked... says that Diana was a Good soul who definitely died and that people who say Diana ain’t dead are liars.

    What do you think?

  15. Do you believe that the “Plejarens” mentioned on are not real?

  16. Replies
    1. who is this? ready to give me some answers?!

    2. I’m nobody important- nobody you’ve met in person, that’s for sure.

  17. Trump or Kamala- who would you vote for?

    1. it doesn't matter, I am not American so my opinion is immaterial

  18. My vision went black after the mental hospital employees injected me- was I killed and brought and brought back to life or simply “sedated” ?

  19. I am being told to take mental health pills- will they destroy my brain?

  20. Are you telepathic?

  21. David Bowie had microchips removed from his teeth according to Emily Gyde- I have major panic attacks regarding these microchips (which may be in my teeth) now and then.

  22. Does EMILY GYDE talk to people using her mind?

  23. James Casbolt says MAX SPIERs shot him in the head and had homosexual feelings for him- d’you believe t that this is true?

    1. not at all. i knew both of them and James is just being James...

    2. I’m afraid that James Casbolt didn’t look like he was joking during the interview.

      To the viewers at home- Mr. jester has known CASBOLT for so long that he cannot believe that this happened (which it did!).

    3. There’s even a picture of James Casbolt’s head with a scar on it after he was shot by Max Spiers.

  24. Aren’t there any friendly remote viewers who can help you get the MICROCHIPs removed?

  25. What’s about?

    1. She’s awfully sanctimonious- making a show of hating even the smell of meat being cooked.

  26. These new human races were made into forms of life by intervening genetic manipulations, which carried barbaric traits up to the degeneration and mercilessness in themselves, whose life however was limited to only about 100 years, likewise genetically-manipulated, out of the justified fear and precaution that the gene-manipulated ones could flock together against their producers and rulers and destroy these.

    From BILLY MEIER is saying this to the invisible alien PTAAH. Is that all we are- gene-manipulated fighting machine slaves of the SIRINA OVERLORDs who have run away from them?

  27. .....and what's new this friday evening - dazzlenation?...'red jester' aka mike cornick ex-CID ('irish stew' lidl can video - lol)...i am assuming that he is retired by now...comes back onto the scene....hmmm....a little bird tells me that he and deb mcd used to live at hill house what happened, then?...oh and what happened to robert webb et al, who had also breezed through etc etc....go figure:

    EMILY GYDE knows your real name- MIKE CORNICK. What do you say?

    1. Emily Gyde says that MIKE CORNICK is controlling you, perhaps?

  28. 5) In the last scene in the 'Howling' film ( the office scene ), the producers of the film could not get the effects right, because of this a real lycan was brought onto the set, and transformed himself on front of the woman. Do not watch if sensitive

    The rituals are designed to break the mind and these are combined with the latest technology in genetic enginneering
    James Casbolt is offline

    Please tell me that Mr. Casbolt was just kidding around- I do not and cannot handle what he is saying here.

  29. In the DUAT- did you have a conversation with GOD or his angels? In the afterlife- did you see other people who also had died?

    1. The answer is that these memories are false. I invite you to ISLAM- the only way to escape the hellfire.

  30. Elon Musk and a bunch of others are saying that HITLER was misunderstood. What’s your take on it?

  31. Did you know CHOI YUJIN of the K-POP group CLC?

    1. Anon, it didn't happen that way at all and you know it. After that mission, went back to the cantina with Choi Yujin. Am I
      remembering you wanting to know how it went? did we snub you...? trust me, i have died and gone to the Duat before..

      Is this her you were referring to, Mr, Jester?

  32. Do you believe in a MALE GOD, Female God or genderless?

  33. God is Dead- Friedrich Nietzsche, 1844-1900

    1. Was he an EVIL PERSON- this FRIEDRICH Nietzsche?
